Welcome to the Secretarial, Office & Administration job page. We have a wide selection of jobs relating to the Secretarial, Office & Administration industry. Once you have selected your search criteria for Secretarial, Office & Administration jobs and entered your job skills or title below you will be given a list of matching jobs. You can browse Secretarial, Office & Administration jobs, but we would recommend using this Secretarial, Office & Administration job search page..

Positions Available:

The secretary focuses on supporting one individual or a small group of related individuals. The skills and responsibilities vary between small, medium and large businesses.

Clerk / Data Entry
The office clerk or data entry employee focuses their effort on accomplishing a variety of basic office tasks that keep the office running and information flowing throughout the business. This elementary office job is necessary for the efficient operation of the office.

The receptionist greets the public, is the "gate keeper" to the organization and performs a variety of other tasks that are important to the company. The tasks that are performed vary between small, medium and large businesses.

Administrative Assistant or Executive Secretary
Administrative Assistants and Executive Secretaries are highly trained, organized and motivated individuals. They are the ones that keep the executives and managers on track and help them run efficient and well organized businesses.

Customer Support / Customer Service
Customer Support or Customer Service Representatives are your voice and ears to your customers. A well organized customer service area can be the difference between your company growing or becoming another statistic in a tough economy.

Accounting Manager / Supervisor
The job of the Accounting Manager or Accounting Supervisor is to insure the integrity of the financial processes that need to take place. Hiring or promoting the wrong person to this position can be a costly mistake.

The office job of a cashier extends beyond handling just the money in the office. It doesn't have to be a full-time job, but a well designed office will have checks and balances built in order to protect the monetary assets of the company.

Legal Secretaries
Legal assistants have special training that is required by the profession in which they work. Hiring the wrong secretary or administrative assistant will impact the way your law office operates.

Medical Secretary and Administrative Assistant
Medical secretarial and administrative assistants have special training that is required by the medical profession.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Office Jobs

Office Based Jobs

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